About the Tibetan Meditation Center
The Tibetan Meditation Center was founded in 1982 by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoché based on the Buddhist understanding that everyone has the ground of goodness and the potential and desire to achieve complete freedom and happiness. To actualize this vision, the center offers regular study and practice, retreats, public lectures, and short-courses, as well as celebrations and ceremonies. Aside from the weekly programs and special events offered at our Frederick location, our Spiritual Director, Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin Rinpoché , also maintains an active teaching schedule at related centers and groups globally.
The Center consists of a shrine hall, an adjoining house (with a small library, book/gift-store, and residence of our spiritual director), a rock-garden replicating Milarepa’s cave, and a stūpa. Visitors are welcome to join any of our events or just to come and enjoy the peace and serenity around our grounds.

TMC Board of Trustees
Paul Palmer – Chairman Tony Hursey – President
Tracy Lewis – Board Member Julie Blair – Treasurer/Secretary
All questions, concerns, ideas are welcome – please email the Board at:
Videos courtesy of Cain Yentzer