Tibetan Meditation Center Memorial Wall
The newest addition to our Center is a beautiful Memorial Wall, constructed as a way to keep our loved ones alive in our hearts and minds after they pass on. The Memorial Wall, which is located near the Stupa, includes 108 niches, each of which is covered by a copper plaque. A consecrated tsa tsa with mantras will be placed in each niche, and the plaque sealing the niche will be beautifully etched with the name of the person to whom it is dedicated, to commemorate our loved ones who have passed on. The Memorial Wall was designed by and built under the guidance of our beloved Spiritual Director, Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin Rinpoche.
The Tibetan Meditation Center is an auspicious place to honor our beloveds via the Memorial Wall and the Puja that is performed by our Drikung Ordained Sangha during the Amitabha retreat each year.
The creation of the Memorial Wall was blessed by many high Lamas including His Holiness Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche, His Eminence Khenchen Rinpoche, His Eminence Gyalpo Rinpoche and many other great meditation masters. When departed loved ones are remembered in this manner, it will continually remind family, friends, and others of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, benefiting all sentient beings.
Soon we will have a consecration ceremony for the Memorial Wall. The TMC was fortunate to have his Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche lead the groundbreaking ceremony when the project began. It is our hope and belief that, if all good conditions come to pass, His Holiness and other beloved Teachers will attend the consecration. It will be a joyous and auspicious occasion, open to all who want to participate in the blessings of this commemoration of our love for those who have gone before us, and of all other sentient beings.
Cost of Participation
A one-time donation of $1,500 or more will enable us to indefinitely dedicate a niche in the Memorial Wall to commemorate a loved one.
For more details or to donate, please contact us at drikungweb@gmail.com.

Consecration of Amitabha Buddha statue by H.E. Chenga Rinpoche

Creation of the Memorial Wall was blessed by His Holiness Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche

Construction of the Memorial Wall